Our Preschool
creating enthusiastic and independent learners
supporting growing independence
Our preschoolers are continuing to develop social skills and learning how to play together with others, make friends and be caring towards others. We encourage these all important life skills and always enable each child to explore their play in a way which inrterests them. We encourage them to grow in independence now and build their resilience so they are ready for the structured day at school.
Making sense of their world
We explore all sorts of play both indoors and outdoors. Each child can choose what they want to play with. They can enjoy mud kitchens, den building and forest play; use junk modelling to build a house; dress up as superheroes with their friends. Our children find what interests them and are encouraged to pursue their interests as much as they like
preschool daily routine, care and meals
All meals are provided and include breakfast for our early birds, a mid morning snack of fruit and milk, hot cooked lunch and pudding, and afternoon tea of sandwiches or similar with fruit. Nappies, wipes and creams are also provided.
In preschool we build independence and prepare your child for school. For example we will encourage your child to self register on arrival recognising their own name card and labelled water cup; preschoolers take themselves to the toilet and serve themselves food at mealtimes.
Building social skills and independent learning
At this age your child is learning social skills -how to play together with others, make friends and be caring towards others. Through caring and knowledgeable adult support and planned group activities, we encourage these all important life skills and always enable each child to explore their play in whatever way interests them.