Here are some ideas for activities you can easily find resources for at home that we know the children enjoy.
Using pots and pans from the kitchen make your own music! Either that or fill the tub and add them to the water, pouring from one to the other and mixing any bubbles you may have added! If you child is older, try allowing them to help you wash up dishes, it’s usually a favorite!
Mix up some jelly together and add some bottle tops or small plastic items to the mixture, once it sets it’s great fun to play with it and see if your child can get to the things inside the jelly with their fingers. The messier the better!
Shaving foam play. Whilst Dad is not looking, grab his shaving foam and cover a small tray, allow your child the sensory experience of moving it round with their fingers or running their favourite car through the foam, writing their name or practising their letter formation
When your child is drawing or colouring add an old magazine and allow them to cut out the pictures to glue into a collage or choose their favourtie toys from the Argos catalogue for presents for all their friends and cut them out practising their friends names next to the picture
Playing hide and seek is so much fun so why not try hiding favourite toys around the house or choose all things beginning with a letter such as ‘p’ and hide all those objects and see if your child can identify what you have hidden.
Outdoors can be a wonder of activities for your child, even if you are restricted to the garden. Try a bug hunt, identifying different birds or making mud pies!
Boys particularly like dismantling things, so if you have any old remote controls, wind up clocks or broken electronics toys, try sitting together with your child as you use screwdrivers and pliers to take things apart.
If you have chalks in the house, then try making paint from them. All you need to do is put a chalk in a ziplock bag and smash it up together, add a little water to make a paint consistency, then paint anything you like, it washes away!
Empty plastic bottles make a great bowling game! Cover the bottles with paper and allow your child to decorate them, add numbers and enjoy playing! Scoring will help with number skills!
Using old cardboard boxes/ cereal packets cut 5cm from each edge, you should get four pieces of ‘track’ out of each packet. Stick the pieces together to make a track for cars, trains anything! You can extend the track as long as you like and use cushions to support it underneath to make hills. If you use the track outside, you can cover it with PVA glue to make it waterproof.
Have you lots of little bits of crayon around the house? Did you know you can make new crayons from the pieces? Add all the bits of crayon to a cake tray, try to fill each space with the same colour or similar. Put the tray in the oven on around 100 degrees, they will melt quickly so keep an eye on them! Leave them to cool and pop out the newly formed crayons, ready to draw again!
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